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Type of lists in html and its attributes

  What is a List and How to create in HTML? List is nothing but any content arranged in specific order like following. 1. A  2. B 3. C Lists are of two types ordered and unordered . Now you know what is list but how to create lists in HTML? To create lists in HTML <li> tag is used. But in which manner lists is arranged depends on type of lists. <li> tag is a container tag. <ul> tag used for unordered lists and displayed as bullets. This tag has attribute type which define type of bullet and its values are circle, disc, square. Default value is disc.  <ol> tag used for ordered lists and displayed in a proper order.  Following are attributes of <ol> tag: 1. Type : this attribute used to define a order type in list and has value 1, I, i, A, a.  Default value for ordered list is 1. 2. Reversed : this attribute defines a order in reversed manner. 3. Start : this attribute defines a number from which order is started. Lists in html can be nested i

Forms in HTML (Select, Label and Hidden Tags)

  What is <Select> tag and How to use? :  <select> tag is used to create drop-down list or scrolling list. This allows user to select option from drop-down or scrolling list. This is also a container tag. Following are attributes of <select> tag: 1) Name – It  assigns name or identity to the option used has been selected. 2) Multiple - this allows the user to  select more than one option or value from given drop-down list. 3) Size – This attribute is used to specifying  number of visible option or value Each options in drop-down or scrolling list is created using option tag which is enclosed within select tag. The attributes of <option> tag are : 1) selected : it define auto-selected option. 2) value : It assigns value to the option displayed in the drop-down or scrolling list.  Hidden fields: Hidden fields stores a value which sent to the server but doesn’t displayed on web browser or to a user. Hidden is the value of attribute type of input tag. What is a Labe

Forms in HTML ( Textarea Tag)

What is <Textarea> tag in HTML and How to use?   :   • The <textarea> tag used to create a multi-line textbox. • With the  help of this tag user can fill detailed form with multi-line characters. It is also a container tag and have opening and closing tag.   Following are attributes of textarea tag:         1. name : It is used to assign name for the textarea when user submit data.         2. rows : This attribute specifies the number of lines in a textarea.         3. cols : this attribute specifies the width of a text area. Both have values in numbers.         4. Maxlength : This attribute specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in the textarea.         5. placeholder : this attribute provides a hint that describes the expected value of a textarea.         6. required : this attribute specifies that textarea must be filled and cannot be left blank. (This attribute is statement i.e. it cannot have value) Syntax of textarea tag: <textarea attribute= "

Forms in HTML (Input Element)

  Using The <Input> tag in HTML :-  This tag is used to create a input or text field. It allows user to fill data in given field. The <Input> tag with the help of attributes gives different types of input fields. This tag has no end. The default value for input type is text.   Syntax of input tag is <input attribute=”value”>   Attributes of <Input>: 1.   Type : It describes, the name of the control like text, radio etc. Following are examples of input type value      <Input type = "text">:- This creates a one line textbox            <Input type = "radio">: This creates a radio button. The radio button allows one option selection from multiple choices.          <Input type = "checkbox">: This creates a checkbox. It allows more than one selection from multiple choices.           <Input type = "submit">: This creates a button for submitting the form data to a server.            <Input t