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Introduction to C

 What is C in programming and why it is used? C is a general purpose programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie at AT & T's Bells laboratory in 1972.  C language is from one of the popular languages. It is simple and easy to use and it is portable. It is considered  to be a middle level language and it is close to machine level language due to which it executes instructions faster .  With the help of C language we can solve complicated mathematical equation. C language can be good base to learn other programming languages like C++, C#, Java.  Importance of c programming language  and where it is used?           Major parts of popular operating systems like windows, Linux, Unix and  Android are written in C. It is used for writing Device Driver programs ( program which operates or control device ).           In a professional games , when user gives instructions like firing, aiming towards objects, computer has to respond this instructions faster. If computer takes tim