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Introduction to programming

What is a programming? :-  Programming is a way to communicate with computer by giving set of instructions to the computer. Giving set of instructions to the computer is known as program. Those who gives instructions to the computers are known as programmers. Computer cannot understand language as we use to communicate with each other. Computer can understand only binary language(0 and 1). Binary code is very difficult to understand since it is only in form of 0 and 1. Computer is not smart enough to do task on its own, we need to provide instructions to perform task. We use programming languages to give those instructions to the computer. Still we cannot give directly instructions to the computer because writing instructions in 0 and 1 is a difficult task. So here we need to convert our instructions to binary language by using translators which converts set of instructions in machine readable form.  Programming languages are of two types 1. Low Level  Languages :  Low level languag