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Block and Inline Elements in HTML

 What are Inline and block elements in HTML ? :-  • Block-level elements :- Block elements creates a horizontal boundary block.  It always start on new line and take full width on screen.  Some examples are <div>, heading elements, <p>.                          • Inline-level elements :- Inline elements do not creates a horizontal boundary block.  This elements do not start on new line. Some examples are <span>, <img>, <a>, etc.

Colors in HTML

  How To Use Colors In HTML? :-  HTML colors are used to design the text and background color.  Colors in HTML are assigned by their name, HEX color value, RGB color value.   This are some important color and their values in HTML.

Breakline and Horizontal Rule in HTML

 What is Line Break in HTML? :-  This element produces break in line and it is denoted by </br>. In current version HTML5 There is no need to put slash for line break and represented as <br>. It is an empty element i.e. it don’t have end tag. Output :- What is Horizontal Rule in HTML? :- This element produces horizontal line and it is denoted by <hr/> It is also an empty element i.e. it don’t have end tag. Attributes of Horizontal rule tag are style, color. Style attribute used for width and height. Width and height value can be in percent (%) or pixels (px).     Output :-   Attributes  Output:-

HTML Paragraphs and Responsive

  How Paragraph Tags used in HTML? :-  Paragraph tags are used to group sentences in the one paragraph.  It is denoted by <p> tag. It is a container tag i.e. it has start and end tag. It contains a content. It is a block level element (always start on new line and creates its horizontal block). Paragraph tags also have attribute style, used to design text inside this tags.              Output is :-     HTML Responsive :-       To make webpage responsive (adjust size according to device screen) following code is used in head tag. It is important for any webpage to display properly according to device width.