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Forms in HTML (Form Element)

  Forms in HTML AND ITS ATTRIBUTES:-  • Forms are  very important part of any webpage for accepting data from a user. Form is collection of checkbox, radio button, textbox, submit button etc. (Data which user fill in it is called input) • Form in HTML are created with the help <form> tag. It is container tag with closing and opening tag.      Attributes used with form element. • <Form> tag can have following attributes         1. Name : It is used for assigning a name to a form.        2. Action : this attribute specifies a path or a location to submit data.        3. Method : It is used for  type of method in which data is submitted. This attribute has two values GET and POST.               i) GET method : The default method of submitting form data is GET in which all the data is displayed in URL of webpage. This method is not secure for submitting sensitive data. The number of characters in URL depends on browser.(that means it can have only limited char

Creating TABLES in HTML

  USING TABLE ATTRIBUTE TO CREATE TABLE IN HTML :-  • Rows and columns forms a table. In a html <table> tag is used to create table in a webpage.  • <Table> is container tag i.e. it has opening and end tag. It contains content. • Following tags are used to create table in html.    1. <table> :- it is used for creating a table in html.    2. <thead> :- it used for table header.    3. <tbody> :- it is used for table body.    4. <tfoot> :- it is used for table footer.    5. <th> :- used for table heading.    6. <td> :- used for table data.    7. <tr> :- used for table row.    8. <caption> :- used for caption. • Attributes of table tag in html :-   1. Border :- this attribute defines a border for table. It has value in number.   2. Bgcolor :- this attribute defines a background color to the table   3. Bordercolor :- this attribute defines color to the border.   4. Align :- it align table to the lef

Image tags in HTML

Adding Images in webpage with Image tag :- • Image tag in html is used to import image in webpage.  • <img> tag is used to insert image in webpage and src attribute used to give web address of image. • It is also empty element means it doesn’t have end tag.  • Alt attributes helps during slow internet connection provides alternate text. • Syntax of image tag is :-  <img attributes=”img location” /> • Some popular image extensions are as follows :- 1. JPEG (joint photography expert group):- .jpg  2. PNG ( Portable Network Graphics) :- .png

Hyperlinks in HTML (anchor tag)

    Linking one page to other in HTML using anchor tag :-   • Hyperlink in html used to connect one website to another. (When we click on link a new link opens is known as hyperlink).  • Hyperlinks in html created by anchor tag (<a>) and href attribute define path of particular link on web or a url. • By default color of hyperlink is blue before visiting link and turn purple after visiting link. • HTML link structure is  <a href= “url"> content </a> • Anchor tag also has attribute target, which is used to open link on certain target. target attribute has following values with syntax target="_value"   Note:  Top value of target attribute opens link in a top of the window.