How Website Works?: When a client search a particular website on internet, his request is sends to DNS for obtaining IP Address. This IP Address is send to the client-server. Clients server requests the web-server for sending files to the client in terms of HTML, CSS and Javascript to the location of clients IP Address. Finally client views content in his browser which he had requested. Let us now define some common terms in Web Development which are required to understand before moving forward in web development. Web page is a document or information resource on www (world wide web) and can be accessed through web browser and displayed on a monitor. Web publishing describes the software and methodologies to design web pages and website. Web Server is a Computer which stores websites or A Web server is an application or a computer that sends webpages over the internet using the HTTP protocol. The functionality of website is managed by web server. Web Browser is a software program
Introduction to SEO What is a SEO and why it is used? SEO stands for search engine optimization and it is used for purpose of ranking a website in search engine results. Search Engine is a software program to search anything on internet. Eg. Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. SEO also make website more understandable for search index bots for indexing purposes. If a website is higher in rank in search result then more users will visit this website, and if it has low rank in search results then less users will visit this website. This is because search engine rank website according to time spent and no. Of users visited website. Depending on this websites are ranked in search engines.